Heading art by Robert Fleming

Heading art by Robert Fleming /// Send up to three ghazals on any subject, totaling up to 150 lines in length, in the body of an email message or attached in a Word file to donkingfishercampbell@gmail.com by 11:59 PM PST on August 18th. No PDF's please. Color artwork is also desired. Please send in JPG form. No late submissions accepted. Poets and artists published in Four Feathers Press Online Edition: Ghazal Train will be published online and invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, August 19th between 3 and 5 pm PST.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Carl Stilwell AKA CaLokie


Hey Brother, God can’t be found at a telescope’s end, astronomers say.
The data for his existence isn’t going our way.

The DNA of Adam and Eve traces to Africa, not Europe. 
The data for human origin isn’t going our way.

Search for Noah’s ark remains on Mount Ararat hasn’t been successful.
The data proving ark account history, not myth isn’t going our way.

Sorry, Brother. No archeological evidence of Hebrew slaves in Egypt.
I want to believe but, holy Moses, the data isn’t going our way!

Archeologists find no proof that Jericho’s walls came tumbling down.
Data about crossing Jordan for Promised Land isn’t going our way.

There are two contradictory versions of virgin birth in Matthew and Luke.
Lord have mercy, my brother! Even gospel data isn’t going our way. 

According to biology people are LGBTQ because of nature not sin.
Oh, brother! More science data not going our way.

Biden beats Trump in electoral votes 306 to 232.
There’s no denying the election results of 2020 didn’t go our way. 

This summer hottest on record but may be coolest in 100 years
Data for climate change hoax isn’t going our way.

What? You can no longer call CaLokie the poet your brother.
You consider me an apostate and we must go our separate ways.


With the way things are going how can you plan it
You will not grow wealth after 40 on a dead planet

There will not be nine things to know about buying
a car in a terrible market on a dead planet

You will not have seven life-
changing vacations on a dead planet

There will not be 15 minutes for you
to save 15% on a dead planet

You will not know what’s
in your wallet on a dead planet

Early education will not be a sure bet for
the future on a dead planet

End the fossil fuel era says CaLokie the prophet,
if you want to save life on this planet

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